Re: Prova dell'editing del video del Pentagono

Inviato da  ege il 27/5/2006 21:15:16
Ecco un altro articolo molto interessante sui video rilasciati dal DoD.

Were the Pentagon videos manipulated? by Mark Sugrue and Russell Pickering.

Metto l'abstract per mostrare di cosa tratta:

Simple analysis of the structure of the recently released pentagon video shows that it has been extensively processed and manipulated. Evidence suggests that the original source video was produced by an analog CCTV camera, likely running on NTSC standard at 30Hz and 525 interlaced lines of pixels. This was being recorded at about 1-2 frames per second onto an analog format.

After the event, evidence suggests that the video was digitized into 180 frames, reduced in resolution by at least 50%, deinterlaced and then selectively recombined.

This digitally manipulated output video was then re-recorded back onto an analog media (such as VHS) which resulted in the addition of multiples of each frame and extra video noise. This final analog version was then re-digitized and released to Judicial Watch, resulting in a low quality, noisy video.


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