Re: Analisi foto lunari 2

Inviato da  ivan il 9/6/2007 21:24:59
Torniamo I.T.

QUI Aulis news.

In particolare notiamo:


How can a Lunar Module appear in different locations at the same landing site?

La missione oggetto dell'indagine era la 17-esima.

Ma la stessa situazione (pių LM /eo ilLM spostato) c'era anche nella 15-esima (anche APOD la fa referta pių volte) e anche nella 12-esima.

La conclusione dell'autore del servizio č la seguente:


Our analysis of these Taurus-Littrow valley pictures demonstrates, once again, that this fakery could not have been accidental. Moreover, these are far more than 'mistakes', 'errors' or acts of 'sloppiness' by any image processing/enhancement* expert working at NASA. Therefore it can only be concluded that it was intentional: whistle-blowing by technicians determined to highlight the fabrication of the Apollo record in which they may have been unwillingly involved.

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