Re: Analisi foto lunari 2

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 10/2/2008 10:49:21
Ti ringrazio per il materiale audiovisivo. Secondo me perņ l'effetto di luce č dovuto all'effetto Heiligenschein (Aureola del Santo).

Peccato che per l'effetto Heiligenschein c'č bisogno di rugiada,quindi non riguarda la Luna...



It is created when the surface on which the shadow falls has special optical characteristics. Dewy grass is known to exhibit these characteristics, and create a Heiligenschein. Nearly spherical dew droplets act as lenses to focus the light on the surface beneath them. Some of this light 'backscatters' in the direction of the sunlight as it passes back through the dew droplet. This makes the antisolar point appear the brightest.

Se invece ti riferisci all'effetto d'opposizione....



The opposition effect (also opposition spike, or opposition surge) is the brightening of a rough surface, or an object with many particles, when illuminated from directly behind the observer

Quest'immagine rende bene l'idea del vero effetto....



As the Mars Exploration Rover 'Opportunity' descended towards Meridiani Planum on Jan 24, 2004 its parachute cast a shadow on the arid Martian surface.

The large image (PIA05146) was taken from an altitude of only 1400m and shows an area about 1.2km (3/4 mile) across.


This image is possibly the first showing an "Atmospheric Optics" effect on another planet

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