Re: I libri di Kaysing e Renč et similia.

Inviato da  ivan il 21/10/2006 23:15:16
Il bello di Internet č che trovi di tutto.

Stavo girando su Wikipedia, quando mi sono inbattutto in una recensione di Renč:

Queste in sintesi le sue tesi :


* Astronauts could not have survived the radiation that they would have been exposed to while passing through the Van Allen belt.
* That photos taken on the moon do not show stars in the background.
* That video shows what appears to be wind blowing the USA Flag on the moon which has no atmosphere.
* That the letter "C" is visible on a rock in one photo and idicates it was a Hollywood prop.
* The gloves on the Apollo space suits would have expanded in a vacuum to the point where they would be immobile.
* Who put the camera on the ground in front of the lunar lander to show Armstrong stepping down the ladder "for the first step on the moon"?
* The shaded side of objects are not dark due to three point lighting in a studio.

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