Re: foto

Inviato da  ivan il 11/9/2006 0:43:14

Comunque a me il LM sta simpatico.

Dalla letteratura:


All those who say Americans never went to the moon till now have talked about wrong shadows, no stars, too short horizons in moon landing images and they are right, but no one has talked about the most important reason of Apollo hoax.
Helicopters are not too easy to fly. They can fly them because the thrust is on the top and gravity forces act under the rotor, the pivot point, and act as counterpoise to engine thrust.
The lunar module has a rocket engine on the bottom and gravity forces act above it and tend to turn it upside-down in all directions.
No one would have been able in 1969, without the powerful computers of today, to keep lunar module vertical for 14 kilometres before landing because the pilot had to be able to react continuously to those gravity forces that made lunar module enormously unstable.
Human reactions are to slow to oppose to those gravity forces that have their pivot point in the rocket engine on the bottom.

If you try to balance a broom on your finger you will see it is enough easy and it is easier if the broom has a longer broomstick. Why? Because the barycentre is very distant from your finger and it is aligned to the broomstick.
Try to balance a toothpick. It’s impossible because the barycentre is too close to your finger.
The same thing happens in lunar module: the barycentre is too close to its rocket engine, the pivot point of gravity forces, and therefore lunar module is out of control. Try to balance a coke can with your finger.
The most evident thing about what I have said is that Americans never tested on the earth lunar module but they used some LLRV that had the barycentre under the rocket engine (if it is true that those ridiculous aircrafts have ever flown).

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